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Grey Sole

Grey sole is highly prized for its delicate flavor and tender, flaky texture. It can be prepared in a variety of ways, including sautéing, grilling, or baking.

Grey Sole

Grey Sole, also known as witch flounder, is a species of flatfish that is commonly found in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is highly valued for its delicate, mild flavor and is a popular target for both commercial and recreational fishing.


Grey sole has an elongated, flat body with a dark brown to olive green color on the top side and a lighter, cream-colored underside. It can grow up to 2 feet in length and weigh up to 4 pounds. Like all flatfish, the grey sole has both of its eyes on the same side of its head, usually the right side.


Grey sole is found in the sandy and muddy bottoms of the North Atlantic Ocean, from the Gulf of Maine to the Georges Bank and southward to Cape Hatteras. They are most commonly found in waters ranging from 50 to 300 feet deep.


Grey sole is primarily caught using trawl nets and gillnets. The fishing season for grey sole typically runs from June to November, with the peak catch season occurring from August to October.


Grey sole is highly prized for its delicate flavor and tender, flaky texture. It can be prepared in a variety of ways, including sautéing, grilling, or baking. It is often served with light sauces or garnished with lemon and herbs.


Grey sole is considered a sustainable fishery and is managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States. The NOAA has set catch limits and regulations on the fishing of grey sole to prevent overfishing and ensure the species' long-term sustainability. It is important for fishermen and consumers alike to follow these regulations to protect the species and maintain a healthy fishery.

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