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Skate Wing

The firm, slightly chewy texture of skate wing makes it a good choice for dishes such as fish tacos and fish and chips.

Skate Wing

Skate Wing, also known as ray, is a popular seafood delicacy that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a flat fish that belongs to the family of cartilaginous fish, which means it does not have a bony skeleton like other fish but instead has a skeleton made of cartilage. Skate wing is known for its mild, sweet flavor and firm, slightly chewy texture. It is used in a variety of dishes and is especially popular in French cuisine.


Skate wing has a distinctive diamond shape, with a thin, flat body and two broad wings. Its skin is rough and has a sandpaper-like texture, which helps protect it from predators. The skin can vary in color, ranging from dark brown to grayish-black, with white or pinkish spots. The wings have a thin layer of flesh on the top side and a thick layer of flesh on the bottom side.


Skate wing is found in shallow coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. They are bottom-dwelling fish and are usually found in sandy or muddy areas near the ocean floor. They can also be found in bays, estuaries, and tidal pools.

Fishing and Seasonality

Skate wing is mainly caught by trawling, which involves dragging a large net along the ocean floor. It is also caught by longlining, which involves using a long line with baited hooks. Skate wing is generally available year-round, with peak season being from late fall to early spring.


Skate wing is a versatile fish that can be prepared in a variety of ways. In France, it is traditionally served with a brown butter sauce and capers. It can also be breaded and fried, grilled, roasted, or poached. The firm, slightly chewy texture of skate wing makes it a good choice for dishes such as fish tacos and fish and chips.


Skate wing populations have been declining in recent years due to overfishing and habitat destruction. In the United States, there are regulations in place to limit the amount of skate wing that can be caught and to protect their habitats. It is important for consumers to choose sustainably sourced skate wing and to support fisheries that use responsible fishing practices.

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