ULT Tuna
ULT Tuna or Kumabachi, is often used in sushi and sashimi dishes, as well as in cooked dishes such as tuna steaks and ceviche. Due to its high quality and freshness, ULT Tuna commands a premium price in the market.

Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) Tuna, also known as super frozen tuna, is a type of tuna that is processed and stored at extremely low temperatures to maintain its freshness and quality. This process involves immediately freezing the tuna to a temperature of -60°C (-76°F) or lower within a few hours of being caught. The tuna is then kept at this temperature until it is ready to be thawed and consumed.
ULT Tuna is a type of tuna that is characterized by its bright red color, firm texture, and rich flavor. The freezing process locks in the freshness and natural oils of the fish, resulting in a higher quality product.
Tuna is a pelagic fish that can be found in oceans all over the world. Different species of tuna have different ranges and habitats, but they are generally found in warmer waters. Some of the most common types of tuna include bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, and skipjack tuna.
Fishing and Seasonality
Tuna fishing is a highly regulated industry, with strict catch limits and regulations in place to protect the populations of these fish. Different species of tuna have different seasons and migration patterns, and are caught using a variety of methods including pole and line fishing, purse seining, and longlining.
ULT Tuna is highly prized in the culinary world for its quality and freshness. It is often used in sushi and sashimi dishes, as well as in cooked dishes such as tuna steaks and ceviche. Due to its high quality and freshness, ULT Tuna commands a premium price in the market.
The fishing of tuna, including ULT Tuna, is highly regulated due to concerns over the sustainability of tuna populations. Overfishing, bycatch, and habitat destruction are all major threats to tuna populations, and conservation efforts are underway to protect these fish. Various organizations, including the Marine Stewardship Council and the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, are working to promote sustainable tuna fishing practices and protect the health of tuna populations for future generations.